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Cassandra Thompson

Priest | Demonologist

Name: Cassandra Julianna Thompson (goes by Cass or Cassie)

Born: Maraheim County Female Correctional Facility

Date of Birth: June 23, 1990

Family: Biological mother Sheila Thompson, father Brian Roberts. Raised by her grandmother, Miriam.

Occupation: Priest

Role: Cassandra serves as the spiritual backbone and demonology expert of P.I.G. Her extensive knowledge of religious rites and exorcisms makes her the go-to member for dealing with malevolent entities. She provides spiritual protection and guidance, often using her faith to ward off dark forces and perform rituals that require a priest's touch.

Personality: Cool and collected, Cassie serves as the skeptic within the Paranorth Investigation Group (P.I.G.), always seeking logical explanations before accepting supernatural causes. Often considered the "mom" of the group, she ensures everyone's well-being, making sure they eat and regularly checking in on them.

Interests: Cassie has a profound passion for music, particularly jazz and gospel. Music serves as her solace, a means to connect with her spirituality and to find peace amid the chaos of her past and her work.


Cassandra was born amidst dark circumstances; her mother, Sheila Thompson, was awaiting sentencing for a string of murders. Sheila, who confessed to 13 kills, maintained that a demon compelled her actions. Despite her claims, DNA tests revealed that Cassie's biological father was Brian Roberts, Sheila's final victim. Shortly after Cassie was taken from her, Sheila succumbed to a gruesome death in her cell, leaving Cassie in the care of her grandmother, Miriam.

Miriam shielded Cassie from the dark truths of her mother's past, simply stating that Sheila died in an institution. Cassie enjoyed a sheltered upbringing, excelling in school and participating actively in the Church of Hallowed Vows. Her interest in the church deepened when, at nine years old, she was introduced to the more clandestine activities of the church by Miriam.

The Fateful Night

One night, Miriam brought Cassie to a house where a disturbing scene awaited them. A young girl named Rebecka was grotesquely transformed, contorted in impossible angles and bound to her bed. As they entered, the creature inhabiting Rebecka addressed Cassie, referring to her as "the spawn of the incubus's whore." Miriam swiftly ushered Cassie out, but the incident left an indelible mark on her.

A Calling

Despite the horror she witnessed, Cassie trusted her grandmother's intentions and the church's mission. This experience, coupled with her deep respect for the church's oratory power, led her to join a seminary and eventually become a priest at the Church of Hallowed Vows. Miriam's death a year later prompted Cassie to delve into her family's past, uncovering hidden truths about her mother.

Uncovering the Past

While sorting through Miriam's belongings, Cassie found documents detailing Sheila's criminal and psychological history. Sheila had been arrested for the gruesome murders of 13 men, all connected to her delusion of being compelled by a demon. This revelation conflicted with the loving, albeit troubled, image Cassie had of her mother.

Seeking clarity, Cassie consulted Father Gallagher, the senior priest. He revealed that Sheila's life had spiraled after falling under the influence of a man she believed to be a demon, leading to her psychotic breakdown and subsequent crimes. This unsettling history forced Cassie to confront the duality of her mother's reality—was she a victim of supernatural forces or a tragic figure lost to mental illness?

Cassie Today

With a complex understanding of her past, Cassie channels her experiences into her work with P.I.G., balancing skepticism with an open mind. Her leadership and nurturing nature provide stability for her team as they navigate the supernatural mysteries of Maraheim. Outside of her duties, Cassie finds solace and joy in her love for music. She often retreats to her piano or guitar, losing herself in the soulful melodies of jazz and the uplifting harmonies of gospel, which serve as her sanctuary and a bridge to her spirituality.

Visual Description

Cassandra is a strikingly beautiful African-American woman with a commanding yet warm presence. Her skin is a rich, deep brown that complements her expressive dark eyes, which convey both wisdom and a hint of melancholy from her past. She wears her natural curly hair in a voluminous and elegant style, often framing her face in loose, bouncy curls that add to her charm.

Cassie has a radiant smile that can light up a room, her teeth perfectly white against her dark complexion. Her style is modest yet elegant, often seen in simple, flowing dresses that allow her to move gracefully. Around her neck, she always wears a simple but significant cross, a testament to her faith and a constant reminder of her spiritual journey.

Her demeanor is both serene and inviting, making her approachable and trustworthy to those who seek her guidance. Despite her cool and collected exterior, there is an undeniable depth and complexity to Cassie, hinted at in the way she carries herself and the soulful tunes she plays when she immerses herself in music.

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