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2019: Mirages [Chapter 7]


February 17, 2019

This day in mid-February, Miraj Al-Ghaib Estate dawned with a heavy, oppressive silence. The air felt thick with tension, each room charged with an unseen energy. Laura awoke feeling a gnawing dread, her resolve hardening as she thought of her children.

Thomas's behavior had become increasingly erratic. The charm he once wielded so effortlessly had all but vanished, replaced by a cold, demanding presence. He issued orders with a severity that left no room for questioning.

At breakfast, the atmosphere was tense. Thomas glared at Sam, who was struggling to butter his toast. “Hurry up, Sam. We don’t have all day.”

Sam’s hands shook, and the knife slipped, sending a pat of butter onto the tablecloth. Thomas's face darkened. “Can’t you do anything right?” he snapped, grabbing Sam by the arm and yanking him from his chair. “You’re useless!”

Emily and Laura watched in horror as Thomas dragged Sam to the kitchen, forcing him to scrub the floor where the butter had fallen. “You’ll stay here until it’s spotless,” he barked, his eyes blazing with anger.

Laura felt a surge of protective anger. She needed to find a way out of this nightmare, for her children’s sake. She glanced at Emily, who was staring at her plate, tears welling in her eyes. Laura reached out and squeezed her daughter’s hand, silently vowing to protect her.

As the day wore on, Thomas’s demands grew more sadistic. He ordered Emily to clean the windows, berating her for any smudges he found. “Do it again,” he commanded, his voice dripping with disdain. “And this time, do it right.”

Emily’s hands were red and raw, but she obeyed without complaint. Laura watched, her heart breaking. She knew they couldn’t endure this much longer.

In the study, Thomas’s obsession with the estate’s history had reached a fever pitch. He pored over ancient texts and documents, his mind a whirlwind of visions and voices. Hassan appeared to him frequently, urging him to exert more control.

“You must break their will,” Hassan whispered, his eyes gleaming with a cold intensity. “Only then will you have true power.”

Thomas nodded, feeling a surge of dark satisfaction. “Yes, they will learn to obey.”

Laura, meanwhile, began making secret preparations to escape. She gathered essential items and hid them in a small bag, careful not to arouse Thomas’s suspicion. She knew they had to leave soon, before his madness consumed them all.

The spirits in the house seemed to sense her determination. Their presence grew stronger, providing her with subtle guidance. She found an old key in the attic, its surface cool to the touch. She didn’t know what it unlocked, but she felt a strange compulsion to keep it close.

Mr. Amin appeared to her more frequently, his expression urgent. “You must leave,” he whispered. “He will not let you go willingly. You must find a way to escape.”

Laura nodded, her resolve strengthening. She knew Mr. Amin was right. She had to protect her children, no matter the cost.

That evening, as they gathered for dinner, Thomas’s temper flared again. He found fault with everything—the food, the table setting, the children’s behavior. He lashed out, his words cutting and cruel.

“Emily, you’re as useless as your brother,” he snarled. “Can’t you do anything right?”

Emily’s eyes filled with tears, and she looked to Laura for comfort. Laura’s heart ached, but she remained outwardly calm. She had to be strong for her children.

As night fell, the supernatural activity intensified. Whispers filled the air, growing louder and more insistent. Shadows moved along the walls, their shapes twisting and contorting.

Laura lay in bed, listening to the haunting whispers. She felt a presence by her side and turned to see Mr. Amin standing there, his eyes filled with sorrow. “You must leave,” he whispered. “The house will not let you go easily. You must be brave.”

Laura nodded, her fear giving way to determination. She knew what she had to do. She would find a way to escape, for the sake of her children.

In the darkness, Thomas roamed the halls, his mind a chaotic swirl of visions and voices. He saw Hassan, his form flickering in and out of existence, urging him to exert more control.

“Break them,” Hassan hissed, his eyes glowing with malevolent light. “Show them who is master.”

Thomas’s eyes blazed with a manic intensity. “Yes, they will obey,” he muttered to himself. “They must obey.”

As he walked, the house began to shift and distort around him. The walls seemed to pulse with life, and the shadows twisted into grotesque shapes. Khayal’s influence was at work, creating hallucinations and mirages that pushed Thomas further into madness.

“Continue down this path, Thomas,” a voice echoed in his mind, different from Hassan’s. It was Khayal, its presence ominous and foreboding. “And you will lose everything. Your mind, your soul, all will be consumed.”

The dual influences of Hassan and Khayal began to tear at Thomas’s sanity. While Hassan urged him to control and dominate, Khayal twisted the reality around him, ensuring that every step Thomas took towards control brought him closer to complete madness.

Laura’s preparations continued in secret. She found an old map of the estate, its ink faded but still legible. It showed a hidden passage that led to the stables—a potential escape route. She carefully folded the map and hid it with the key, her heart pounding with hope.

The night was filled with terrifying encounters. Emily awoke to find her room freezing cold, her breath visible in the air. She saw ghostly figures standing by her bed, their eyes pleading for release.

Sam heard whispers in the dark, calling his name. He saw shadows moving along the walls, their forms twisting and contorting.

Laura felt the house closing in on them, its malevolent energy growing stronger. She knew they had to leave, but Thomas’s control was unyielding. She could feel the house watching, waiting for its chance to claim them all. As the night deepened, Laura realized that their only hope lay in finding a way to break free before it was too late.

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