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2007: Inmate 0916

Uppdaterat: 17 juli

Maraheim Prison
Maraheim Prison

Nikos Katsaros, the night shift warden, walks through cell block c, his footsteps echoing against the concrete walls. The air feels thick, suffocating, as if the very walls are closing in on him. The sound of tormented screams pierce the silence, and Nikos quickens his pace.

As he approaches cell 0916, the screams abruptly cease. He hesitates for a moment, then unlocks the cell door and steps inside. Inmate Victor Graves sits on his bed, calmly looking at him.

Nikos Katsaros, The Warden
Nikos Katsaros, The Warden

"What's going on in here?" Nikos demands, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of disturbance.

"It's the other warden," Victor says, his voice low and even. "He's hurting the other prisoners."

Nikos scoffs. "What other warden? There's only me and the day shift warden."

Victor's calm demeanor unnerves him, and he can't help but feel a sense of unease. "What do you mean, the other warden?"

"The one behind you," Victor says, nodding towards the door.

Nikos spins around, but there's no one there. He turns back to Victor, but the inmate has a distant look in his eyes, as if he's staring at something else entirely.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Nikos asks, but he knows it's not.

The cell feels colder now, the air thick with an unspoken menace. Nikos wants nothing more than to get out of there, but he can't shake the feeling that something is watching him. He glances around the cell, searching for anything out of the ordinary.

"Is there anything else you can tell me?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

Victor shakes his head. "No, that's all. You should go now, it's sleeping hours."

Inmate 0916, Victor Graves
Inmate 0916, Victor Graves

Nikos nods, grateful for the dismissal. He steps out of the cell, locking the door behind him. As he walks down the block, the sound of his footsteps is the only thing he can hear. The screams are gone, but the feeling of unease remains, creeping up his spine like a spider. He can't help but feel like something is lurking just out of sight, watching his every move.

The hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, and he breaks into a run, desperate to get out of the block. He doesn't stop until he's outside, gasping for breath, feeling as if he's just narrowly escaped something unspeakable.

The night feels darker now, the air colder. Nikos can't shake the feeling that something is following him, something malevolent and hungry. He quickens his pace, his heart pounding in his chest.

As he turns the corner, he catches a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye. A figure, standing in the shadows, watching him.

Nikos freezes, his blood turning to ice. He can't make out any features, but he knows without a doubt that it's the other warden, the one Victor was talking about.

He takes a step forward, then another, his eyes locked on the figure. But as he gets closer, it fades away, disappearing into the darkness.

The air in cell block c is thick with tension and fear as Nikos begins his next night shift. The tormented screams start again, and Nikos feels a knot form in his stomach as he prepares to investigate. As he approaches the cell where the screaming originates from, the sound suddenly stops. He cautiously steps inside, and his eyes widen in horror as he sees a terrified inmate lying on the floor with fresh bleeding wounds on his body.

Nikos quickly calls for medical staff, who rush to the block to pick up the wounded inmate and take him to the hospital wing of the prison. As he waits for the medical team, Nikos can't shake off the feeling that he's being watched. The silence in the block is suffocating, broken only by the sound of his own footsteps as he continues his patrol.

When he walks past inmate 0916, Victor Graves, the calm and collected prisoner tells him that it was the other warden, Johnstone. Nikos is puzzled, as he's never heard of a warden by that name. 

"There's no other warden," Nikos says, frustrated. "You need to stop with this nonsense."

"Whatever.", Victor says like he was expecting this reply.

As Nikos turns to leave he suddenly feels a nervous breath on the back of his neck, causing his hairs to stand on end.

"Victor, cut it out," Nikos snaps, turning around quickly. 

Victor, still calm with a small crooked smile on his lips, assures Nikos that it's not the warden standing behind him this time.

"Relax, it's just Eric," he says calmly, gesturing to the empty space behind Nikos.

Nikos turns around, but there's no one there. He can't shake off the feeling that something is not right. He's scared by the fact that he felt someone breathing down his neck and wonders what Victor knows that he doesn't. 

His mind was reeling with fear and confusion. He needed to know what was going on. He turned to Victor, who was lying on his bed with an arrogant smile on his face.

"Who's Eric?" Nikos asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Eric was an inmate here, just like the rest of us. He was convicted of a crime he didn't commit, and he was sentenced to death by electrocution. But he didn't die. He's still here, wandering the halls in despair, trying to find someone to bring him justice," Victor explained.

Nikos felt a chill run down his spine. "What do you mean, justice? What can I do?"

Victor shook his head, "You can't do anything. Eric's just a lost soul. But there is something else you should be afraid of."

"What?" Nikos asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"The pair of red eyes that's been following you wherever you go," Victor said with a sinister grin.

Nikos walked out of the block, his heart racing and his thoughts in turmoil. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was following him, something malevolent and dark. He tried to ignore it, but every step felt heavier than the last, as if something was dragging him down.

As he made his way down the dark and narrow corridor, he could hear strange noises emanating from the walls. It sounded like whispers, like the voices of the damned, trapped in a never-ending cycle of pain and suffering. Nikos tried to quicken his pace, but his legs felt like lead, refusing to obey his commands.

The air around him grew colder, and Nikos could see his breath misting in front of his face. He turned a corner, and that's when he saw it. A pair of glowing red eyes, staring right at him from the end of the corridor. He froze in terror, unable to move a muscle.

The eyes started moving towards him, slowly but surely. Nikos tried to scream, but his voice was choked in his throat. It was then that he heard the laughter. It was a cruel and mocking sound, the kind that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

Suddenly, the red eyes disappeared, and Nikos was left alone in the dark corridor. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind of the horrifying image. He knew that he had to get out of this place, but where could he go?

As he turned around to retrace his steps, he saw Warden Johnstone standing right in front of him, his eyes blazing with a terrifying intensity. The warden's face twisted into a snarl, and Nikos could see that something was not right. The man was not himself.

"Stay away from Eric Carpenter!" the warden screamed, his voice echoing through the empty corridor. "He's mine to punish, and no one else's!"

Nikos tried to back away, but the warden stepped forward, blocking his path. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "This place is cursed, and Eric Carpenter is the cause of it. If you don't want to end up like him, you better stay away."

Nikos tried to run, but the warden grabbed him by the arm, his grip like a vice. "You will listen to me!" he roared, his eyes flashing with anger. "Eric Carpenter is not to be trifled with. He's been dead for years, and yet he still haunts this place. You want to stay alive? Stay away from him."

With that, the warden released him, and Nikos stumbled backwards, his heart pounding in his chest. He looked up, and that's when he saw them. A pair of red eyes, staring at him from the end of the corridor. He knew then that he was in deep trouble.

As the nights went on, Nikos found himself increasingly haunted by the ghost of Warden Johnstone. He would often catch glimpses of the phantom lurking in the shadows, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity that chilled Nikos to the bone. At times, the warden's ghost would suddenly materialize behind him, his ghostly hands reaching out as if to strangle Nikos. Nikos could feel the phantom's icy breath on the back of his neck, sending shivers down his spine.

Nikos also began to have terrifying dreams in which the ghost of Warden Johnstone would loom over him, his spectral form taking on an even more menacing aspect. In these dreams, Nikos felt himself consumed by an overwhelming sense of dread, as if the warden's ghost was trying to break his will and force him to reveal what he knew about the prison's dark secrets.

At the same time, the ghost of Eric Carpenter continued to appear to Nikos, pleading with him to keep the warden away from him. Nikos could feel Eric's desperation, the sense that he was trapped and helpless in the afterlife, unable to find peace until justice was served.

And then there were the red eyes. They seemed to be everywhere now, lurking in the shadows and watching Nikos from the darkness. Nikos could feel their malevolent gaze on him, as if they were taunting him, daring him to confront the terrors that lurked in the prison's depths.

The atmosphere in the prison grew increasingly oppressive, as if the walls themselves were closing in on Nikos, suffocating him with their malevolent energy. He knew that he had to find a way to escape, to break free from the horrors that threatened to consume him. But with each passing day, the terrors of the prison seemed to grow stronger, their grip on Nikos tightening with each passing moment.

Nikos' mind raced as he tried to piece together the horrifying puzzle that had become his reality. The ghostly apparitions of Eric and Warden Johnstone continued to haunt him relentlessly, their presence looming over him like a dark cloud. Every night, Nikos found himself waking up in a cold sweat, the memory of their ghastly visages burned into his mind.

One day, Nikos couldn't take it anymore. He approached Victor Graves with a desperate look in his eyes, pleading for answers. "What the hell is going on here?" he demanded, his voice trembling with fear.

Victor simply stared at him, his expression one of apathy. "It doesn't matter," he said flatly. "It's too late now."

Nikos felt a chill run down his spine at Victor's words. He had a sinking feeling that whatever was happening was far beyond his control, and that he was in way over his head.

As he turned to leave, Nikos caught sight of a pair of red eyes staring at him from the darkness of the block. They seemed to follow him wherever he went, a constant reminder of the terror that lurked just beyond his sight.

Suddenly, an unknown woman appeared in front of him, slowly walking towards him. The closer she got, the more her features seemed to shift and contort, transforming into something far more sinister. He sees her pale, emaciated body with sunken eyes and what looks like a rotting face. The creature's fingers seem to be elongated, or are they claws?Nikos' heart raced as he realized he was face to face with the horrid creature. Before he could react, it attacked him with such force that he didn't stand a chance. Blood spattered across the walls as the creature tore into him with razor-sharp claws. The inmates were frozen in terror, their faces twisted in fear and horror as they watched the gruesome scene unfold before their eyes. Some of them screamed in terror, others were silent, unable to comprehend the nightmarish reality before them. 

Victor Graves was the only one who remained calm, watching with an almost indifferent expression on his face. He knew what was coming and accepted it with eerie detachment. The red eyes continued to watch from the shadows, its presence looming over the block like a malevolent force.

The sound of bones cracking and flesh tearing filled the air as the dreadful being continued its merciless attack on Nikos. The warden's screams echoed through the block, a chilling reminder of the terror that had befallen them all. The stench of blood and death filled the air, suffocating the senses of the remaining inmates who were still alive.

Finally, the creature seemed to have its fill of Nikos' blood and it withdrew back into the shadows, leaving behind a mutilated corpse and a block full of traumatized inmates. The red eyes continued to watch from the darkness, its malevolent presence still felt by all those who remained alive. The prisoners remained silent, too terrified to even move. Who could they tell about the gruesome event they just witnessed? Who would believe them, anyway? After all they were just a group of convicts on death row.

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