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1985: Lament of The Great Sea [Chapter 4]

In the later hours of the night, the haunting aboard the M/S Valka reached an unprecedented level of terror. The once elusive apparition grew bolder, her presence more pronounced and interactive. No corner of the ship remained untouched by her malevolent influence, transforming the vessel into a floating nightmare.

The first clear sighting occurred late in the night. Ivan was on deck, staring out at the seemingly endless expanse of dark water, when he saw her. The figure of a woman, ethereal and shimmering, appeared at the far end of the deck. She wore a wedding dress, the delicate lace and silk fluttering eerily in an unseen breeze. Her face was a mask of sorrow, her eyes hollow and filled with a deep, unending sadness that seemed to reach into his soul. The sight of her sent a chill through Ivan, freezing him in place as he gazed upon the ghostly apparition.

"Ivan," she whispered, her voice carrying over the sound of the sea.

He froze, unable to look away. The apparition began to move towards him, gliding silently across the deck. Ivan's breath caught in his throat as she drew nearer, her eyes locking onto his. Just as she reached out to touch him, she vanished, dissolving into mist. Ivan stumbled back, his heart pounding, the image of her sorrowful face seared into his mind.

One afternoon, Pavel found himself alone in the galley, preparing a meal. He heard a soft sobbing coming from behind him. Turning slowly, he saw the ghostly figure of the woman, tears streaming down her ethereal face. She reached out to him, her hand passing through the air, and Pavel felt a sudden, overwhelming sadness wash over him, as if her grief had merged with his own. The apparition vanished, but the weight of her sorrow lingered, leaving Pavel emotionally shattered.

As if the visual manifestations were not enough, the ghost's presence made itself known through sound. The crew began to hear the eerie melody of a woman singing, a haunting lullaby that seemed to come from the very walls of the ship. It was a song of sorrow and loss, the notes dripping with despair.

Ivan heard it first while lying in his bunk, the melody seeping through the thin walls of his cabin. It was a soft, mournful tune that sent shivers down his spine. He got up and opened his door, hoping to find the source, but the hallway was empty. The song continued, wrapping around him like a cold embrace.

The cries started soon after. At night, the crew would hear the sound of a woman weeping, her sobs echoing through the corridors. The crying was heart-wrenching, filled with a deep, inconsolable grief that tugged at their souls. It felt as if the ship itself was mourning, each sob a reminder of the ghost's eternal sorrow.


The ghost's presence was not limited to sights and sounds. It quickly escalated to physical disturbances that left the crew in a state of constant fear. Doors slammed shut with violent force, rattling the walls and sending shockwaves through the ship. Objects were thrown across rooms, seemingly by an invisible hand.

During a routine check in the engine room, Dmitri felt a sharp pain across his back, as if slashed by invisible claws. He stumbled forward, clutching at the stinging wound, and turned to see the ghostly figure of the woman glaring at him with burning eyes. The apparition reached out, her fingers stretching and elongating unnaturally, barely grazing his cheek before she disappeared into the shadows. Dmitri fell to his knees, shaking, as he touched his face and found it cold and numb, the ghost’s icy touch leaving a frosty imprint.

Pavel's voice was a hoarse whisper, barely audible over the crashing sounds. "Ivan, what the hell is going on? This... this can't be real," Pavel's voice was barely a whisper, his eyes wide with terror.

Ivan's face was drawn, his eyes haunted. "I don't know, Pavel. But we need to stay calm. It's feeding off our fear."

Yuri stumbled into the room, his face ashen. "Calm? How are we supposed to stay calm when that... thing is tearing the ship apart?"

Ivan took a deep breath, forcing himself to appear steady. "We have to try. If we panic, we're as good as dead."

"It's her," Yuri replied, his eyes wide with fear. "She's angry."

The disturbances quickly escalated and became violent. Ivan's cabin was ransacked while he was on watch. He returned to find his belongings scattered, his bed overturned, and the mirror shattered. The air was thick with a chilling cold, the remnants of the ghost's rage palpable.

The ghost's wrath was not limited to objects. Crew members began to suffer mysterious injuries. Deep scratches appeared on their bodies, as if clawed by an unseen hand. Bruises blossomed overnight, leaving the men in constant pain and fear. The ship was alive with her fury, every corner echoing with the ghost's vengeance.

A Living Nightmare

The crew's mental state deteriorated quickly. Men who once faced the dangers of the sea with stoic bravery now cowered at every creak and whisper. As the night wore on, sleep became impossible, replaced by nightmarish visions and the constant threat of the ghost's wrath. The air grew thick with paranoia, each man suspecting his crewmates of some unseen betrayal.

In the dead of night, the ghost's anger erupted into a terrifying crescendo. The temperature plummeted suddenly, and a dense, eerie fog rolled through the corridors, thick and impenetrable, obscuring vision and heightening the sense of dread. Ivan, Yuri, and Pavel huddled together in the mess hall, their breath coming in quick, visible puffs in the frigid air. The fog seemed to carry whispers of despair, wrapping around them like a suffocating shroud and amplifying their fear to an unbearable level.

Suddenly, the ghost appeared in the center of the room, her form more solid than ever before. Her eyes burned with rage, and she let out a bone-chilling scream that reverberated through the ship. The lights flickered and died, plunging the room into darkness.

The Apparition Reveals itself
The Apparition Reveals itself

The crew scrambled for weapons, anything to defend themselves against the supernatural force. But the ghost was unstoppable. It tore through the room with an inhuman speed, her touch a deadly frost that seared flesh and left blistering burns. Each contact was a jolt of agony, as if death itself had brushed against them, leaving behind the scent of decay and despair. She lifted one sailor off his feet and hurled him across the room, his body hitting the wall with a sickening crunch.

The M/S Valka was a ship under siege, not from external forces, but from the haunting presence that had claimed it. The ghost, a woman bound by sorrow and rage, had made her presence known in unmistakable terms. The crew was at their breaking point, their minds and bodies battered by the relentless onslaught of supernatural phenomena.

The once sturdy vessel was now a place of terror, its halls echoing with cries and whispers, its rooms filled with the ghostly presence that refused to be ignored. The men could feel the climax approaching, a confrontation that would determine their fate. The ghost's power was growing, and the Valka sailed inexorably towards a reckoning with the past that none of them could escape.

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