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1945: Midnight at the Post Office

Uppdaterat: 17 juli

September 3rd, 1945

Post Office 1945
Post Office 1945

Emma arrived at the post office just as the sun was setting, feeling both excited and nervous. It was her first job in a long time, and the idea of earning money was exhilarating. However, as she approached the entrance, a shiver ran down her spine. There was something off about the post office, something unsettling. Maybe it was the way the building creaked in the wind or the fact that it looked like it hadn't been updated since the turn of the century. Regardless, Emma shook off the feeling and went inside.

The inside of the post office was dimly lit, with only a few fluorescent lights flickering overhead. Emma noticed that the mailboxes were all locked and secured for the night, with no sign of any mail carriers or customers. It was eerily quiet. She made her way to the manager's office, where she was greeted by an old man with a stern expression.

"Welcome to the post office. You're the new cleaner, I presume?" The old man's voice was gruff and monotone.

"Yes, sir," Emma replied, feeling intimidated.

"Good. You'll start tonight. Your shift begins at 10 PM and ends at 6 AM. Make sure the place is spotless by the time you're done. And whatever you do, don't touch the mail. Understood?"

Emma nodded, feeling uneasy. Something about the old man's warning sent a chill down her spine. She left the manager's office and started her shift, armed with a broom, a mop, and a bucket full of cleaning supplies.

As Emma began working at the post office everything seemed calm and uneventful. Her daily routine consisted of cleaning the floors, dusting the furniture, and taking out the trash. She enjoyed the quietness of the post office at night and often found herself lost in her thoughts as she worked.

However, as the days passed, Emma began to notice that things were not quite right. She would hear strange noises coming from empty rooms, and the air would suddenly become cold and heavy. At first, she brushed it off as her imagination playing tricks on her, but as the nights went on, the occurrences grew in intensity.

One night, as she was cleaning the main hallway, Emma heard the sound of footsteps echoing in the empty halls. She froze, her heart racing as she realized that she was alone in the building. She tried to brush it off, but the feeling of being watched lingered.

The next night, as she was dusting off shelves, she felt a cold breeze sweep past her neck. She turned around to see if there was an open window, but there was none. The air was still, and the only sound was the rustling of envelopes in her hands.

As the days passed, the occurrences became more frequent and intense, and Emma began to feel a sense of unease every time she entered the post office. She knew that something was not right, but who would she tell that would believe her?

Emma noticed that items would move from one place to another, as if someone or something had been rearranging them. Papers would be found scattered on the floor in the morning, even though they had been neatly stacked the night before. Emma even started to feel a presence following her, a presence that she couldn't quite put her finger on.

The atmosphere within the post office felt increasingly eerie, with shadows that seemed to dance and flicker in the corners of the room. Emma often found herself on edge, constantly looking over their shoulder and listening intently for any signs of movement.

It wasn't long before Emma realized that she wasn't alone in the post office at night. There was something else there, something that seemed to be lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to reveal itself. The constant feeling of being watched was enough to make anyone's skin crawl, and Emma could feel the tension mounting with each passing night.

Despite her fear, Emma couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity. What was causing these strange occurrences? Was it simply her imagination, or was there truly something supernatural at play? Emma decided to investigate, hoping to get to the bottom of the mystery once and for all.

As the days go by, Emma starts noticing something strange happening in the post office. At first, she tried to brush it off as her imagination, but as time passed, the strange occurrences became too frequent to ignore. She began hearing unexplained noises and feeling a presence around her, even when she was alone. It made her skin crawl, and she couldn't help but feel that something was off.

One night, as she was sweeping the floors, she saw a movement in the corner of her eye. She turned around quickly, but no one was there. Emma tried to shake off the feeling of unease, thinking that it was just her tired eyes playing tricks on her. However, as the nights went by, the sightings became more and more frequent.

One night, as Emma was wiping down the mail sorting table, she saw a faint figure in the corner of the room. It was a man, dressed in a uniform, searching through the mail with tears in his eyes. Emma tried to call out to him, but he vanished before she could even get a word out. From that moment on, Emma knew that she was not alone in the post office at night, and she couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched.

Every night after that, she saw the ghostly figure walking around the post office, searching through the mail with tears streaming down his face. Emma was terrified, and she didn't know what to do. She tried to leave the post office earlier, but it seemed that the ghostly figure had started to follow her. The more she tried to avoid it, the more she saw it.

One night, as Emma was gathering her things to leave, she saw the ghostly figure again. This time, it was standing right in front of her. She could see the despair and the longing in his eyes as he searched for something that he would never find. Emma tried to speak to him, but he simply vanished, leaving her feeling more scared and alone than ever before.

As Emma continued to witness the ghostly figure, she felt an intense urge to find out more about who he was and why he was haunting the post office. Emma couldn't shake off the feeling that something was deeply wrong with the post office. She found herself constantly looking over her shoulder, as if someone was watching her every move. The eerie silence of the building only added to her unease, broken only by the occasional creaking of the old wooden floors.

One night, as she was taking a break from cleaning, Emma decided to do some research on the history of the post office. She browsed through old books and newspapers, searching for any clues that might explain the strange occurrences she had witnessed. The more she read, the more she felt a sense of dread creeping up on her.

The post office had been around since the late 1800s, and had been witness to some of the most significant events in the city's history. Emma found articles about floods, fires, and even a deadly outbreak of a mysterious illness that had swept through the city in the early 1900s.

But what really caught her attention was a series of articles from 1918, detailing the devastating impact of the Great War on the city's population. The post office had been a hub of activity during the war, receiving and sending thousands of letters from soldiers and their families. Emma read about the heart-wrenching stories of families torn apart by the war, of soldiers who never returned home, and of the grief and despair that had consumed the city in the aftermath of the conflict.

As she read on, Emma felt a chill run down her spine. Could the ghostly figure she had seen be a soldier from the Great War, still searching for a letter from his loved one that would never come? The thought filled her with both fear and sadness. She knew she had to find out more.

The article detailed the story of a man named William who had worked at the post office during the war. He had a son who had joined the infantry and was sent to fight in the war, but William had not heard from him in months. As the days went on and William saw more and more letters addressed to the families of fallen soldiers, he became increasingly anxious and worried about his son's safety.

One day, William saw his name on a letter from the military and knew immediately that his worst fears had come true - his son had died on the battlefield. The shock and despair of this news triggered a heart attack, and William died while searching through the mail in the post office.

As Emma read the article, she realized that the ghostly figure she had been seeing was none other than William himself. She felt a deep sense of sadness for the man who had never received the closure he so desperately sought.

Determined to help William find peace, Emma began to search through the old mail in the post office, hoping to find the letter that William had been searching for all those years. After many long and exhausting nights of searching, Emma finally found it - a letter from William's son, dated just weeks before his death, reassuring his father that he was alive and well.

As Emma held the letter in her trembling hands, tears streamed down her face. She felt a deep connection to William and his heartbreaking story. With a heavy heart, she searched the post office in order to find the ghost, clutching the letter tightly.

Emma made her way to the spot where William's ghostly figure had been. She could feel his presence still lingering there. As she approached, William's ghostly figure appeared once again, reaching out his hand to receive the letter.

Overcome with emotion, Emma placed the letter in William's ghostly hands. As she watched, the ghostly figure of William slowly faded away, his face now peaceful and content. Emma felt a sense of peace wash over her, knowing that William had finally found the closure he had been seeking for so long. She wiped away her tears and smiled, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that she had helped him find it.

As the ghost of William disappeared, Emma breathed a sigh of relief, her heart finally at ease. As Emma continued with her cleaning tasks, the post office fell silent once again. The only sounds that could be heard were the soft swishing of the broom and the occasional creak of the old wooden floorboards. Emma tried to push the thoughts of William's ghost and the strange presence out of her mind, hoping that she could finish her work without any further disturbance.

But then, a sudden chill ran down her spine, causing her to shiver. The temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees, making her breath visible in the air. Dread overtook her as she sensed a dark and malevolent presence lurking nearby. It felt like the air was thick with an evil energy that she couldn't quite explain.

Her heart pounding, Emma slowly turned around, her eyes searching for the source of the eerie feeling. As she turned, she saw a pair of menacing eyes staring back at her, glowing like two orbs of fire in the darkness. Emma's blood ran cold as she realized that she was not alone in the post office, and that whatever was watching her was not of human origin.

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