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Paranorth Investigation Group

Welcome to the Paranorth Investigation Group, or P.I.G., where the unexplainable meets its match. Founded by a diverse team of experts, P.I.G. delves into the supernatural, offering comprehensive investigative services to those in need. Whether you're haunted by a restless spirit, plagued by unexplained phenomena, or simply seeking answers to the mysteries that lurk in the shadows, P.I.G. is here to help.

What we do.

At P.I.G., we specialize in uncovering and addressing paranormal activities through a combination of spiritual expertise, advanced technology, and in-depth research. Our team is equipped to handle a wide range of supernatural occurrences, from ghostly apparitions and demonic possessions to cryptic lore and ancient curses. We approach each case with a blend of skepticism and open-mindedness, ensuring that every investigation is thorough and unbiased.

Meet the team

Priest | Demonologist

Cassandra serves as the spiritual backbone and demonology expert of P.I.G. Her extensive knowledge of religious rites and exorcisms makes her the go-to member for dealing with malevolent entities. She provides spiritual protection and guidance, often using her faith to ward off dark forces and perform rituals that require a priest's touch.

IT Specialist |

Paranormal Investigation Tech | Equipment Supervisor

Desmond is the technological wizard of P.I.G., responsible for all technical aspects of the investigations. He handles the setup and maintenance of all paranormal investigation equipment, including cameras, EMF detectors, and audio recorders. His IT expertise ensures that the team's data is securely stored and analyzed, and he often devises new tech solutions to aid in their investigations.

Occult Researcher | Lore Specialist

Sofi is the lore and research specialist of P.I.G., delving deep into both ancient texts and modern sources to uncover the historical and occult significance of their cases. Her vast knowledge of mythology, folklore, and arcane practices allows the team to understand the context and origins of the supernatural phenomena they encounter. She tirelessly researches both in libraries and online, piecing together the intricate puzzles that their investigations present.

Clairvoyant | Medium | Spiritual Communicator

Kai is the spiritual communicator and ethereal guide of P.I.G. Their unparalleled ability to perceive and interact with spirits provides the team with crucial insights that are often beyond the reach of conventional methods. Kai's mediumship bridges the gap between the physical world and the spiritual realms, allowing them to communicate with entities to gather information, seek guidance, and resolve restless spirits. Their calm and empathetic presence brings balance to the team, helping to navigate the complex and often perilous encounters with the supernatural.

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